mAkE: Map of Machinery

The Map of Machinery, a project by the Internet of Production under the mAkE initiative, is a tool for distributed manufacturing that helps makers, SMEs, and innovators locate resources like machinery, facilities, and skilled individuals. This open-data initiative supports various use cases, from disaster response to economic development, by enabling localised production and innovation. The project emphasises adherence to FAIR principles and EU GDPR (European Union General Data Protection Regulation) standards for data collection and sharing.

Key Points

  • Purpose: Enable distributed manufacturing by providing open data on machinery, facilities, and skills.
  • Use Cases: Includes disaster response, economic development, education, and open-source hardware design.
  • Data Collection: Involves partners like, Global Innovation Gathering (GIG), and others, focusing on Europe and Africa.
  • Contributions: Users can add facility and machinery data via a submission form, with validation by administrators before display.
  • Future Plans: Developing an API for data publishing and an MVP for disaster response, along with ongoing community engagement.

For more information read this blog entry: 

A dataset for regional information on WHERE to Build Hardware for:
Drinking Water security,
Electricity generation,
Assistive medical devices like Prosthetics.
Hypothesis: Motivating organically, the collection of manufacturing data by showcasing a tool that uses the IOPA OKW data and standard specification.