Open-Know-Where Initiative Distributed Resources Data Schema


The Open-Know-Where Initiative Distributed Resources Data Schema is designed to manage information about distributed resources, such as manufacturing facilities, equipment, services, and skills. This schema provides a structured format for storing and organizing data related to these resources, enabling efficient management and analysis.


  • Authors: The Internet of Production Alliance, Antonio de Jesus Anaya Hernandez
  • Year: 2024
  • Publisher: The Internet of Production Alliance
  • Sources:


This schema is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. You are free to share and adapt the schema for any purpose under the condition that you give appropriate credit to the authors and distribute any derivative works under the same license.

Table: Address

Description: This table stores information about addresses.

address_idintUnique identifier for the address
streetstringStreet name
numberstringHouse or building number
localitystringLocality or district
regionstringRegion or state
postcodeintegerPostal code
latitudefloatLatitude coordinate
longitudefloatLongitude coordinate

Table: Contact

Description: This table stores contact information.

contact_idintUnique identifier for the contact
socialstringSocial media handle
emailstringEmail address
websitestringWebsite URL

Table: DatabaseSourceMetadata

Description: This table stores metadata information about database sources.

source_idintUnique identifier for the database source
namestringName or identifier of the database source
descriptionstringDescription of the database source
source_typestringType of the database source (e.g., CSV, API, Database)
source_urlstringURL or location of the source (if applicable)
licensestringLicense information (e.g., CC-BY)
versionstringVersion of the database source
creation_datedatetimeDate when the source was created
update_datedatetimeDate of the last update
keywordsstringKeywords or tags describing the source
publisherstringPublisher of the source
contributorstringContributor of the source
languagestringLanguage of the source

Table: DistributedResource

Description: This table stores information about distributed resources.

resource_idintUnique identifier for the resource
address_idintReference to the address of the resource
contact_idintReference to the contact information of the resource
verificationboolVerification status of the resource
verificator_idintReference to the data verificator
source_idintReference to the metadata of the source

Table: DataVerificator

Description: This table stores information about data verificators.

verificator_idintUnique identifier for the verificator
namestringName of the verificator
descriptionstringDescription of the verificator
contact_idintReference to the contact information of the verificator
address_idintReference to the address of the verificator

Table: ManufacturingFacility

Description: This table stores information about manufacturing facilities.

facility_idintUnique identifier for the facility
resource_idintReference to the distributed resource
namestringName of the facility
descriptionstringDescription of the facility
typestringType of the facility
capacityintCapacity of the facility
capabilitiesstringCapabilities of the facility
source_idintReference to the metadata of the source

Table: ManufacturingEquipment

Description: This table stores information about manufacturing equipment.

equipment_idintUnique identifier for the equipment
resource_idintReference to the distributed resource
brandstringBrand of the equipment
modelstringModel of the equipment
typestringType of the equipment
descriptionstringDescription of the equipment
source_idintReference to the metadata of the source

Table: ManufacturingService

Description: This table stores information about manufacturing services.

service_idintUnique identifier for the service
resource_idintReference to the distributed resource
typestringType of the service
descriptionstringDescription of the service
source_idintReference to the metadata of the source

Table: ManufacturingSkill

Description: This table stores information about manufacturing skills.

skill_idintUnique identifier for the skill
resource_idintReference to the distributed resource
namestringName of the skill
biostringBiography of the skill
skillsstringSkills associated with the skill
source_idintReference to the metadata of the source

Table: FindableProject

Description: This table stores information about findable projects.

project_idintUnique identifier for the project
resource_idintReference to the distributed resource
namestringName of the project
descriptionstringDescription of the project
source_idintReference to the metadata of the source

For contributions please reach out to @iop-alliance in Github.